Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You know what the difference between a lying, hypocritical vice-presidential candidate and a pit bull is?

One of them has been banned in areas of Ontario, Australia, France, Norway, Iceland, The UK, Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, Serbia, and Italy--1/3 of dog-related deaths in the United States are caused by pit bull breeds. On the other hand, the vindictive and increasingly-revealed-to-be-crazy governor of Alaska seems to be greeted in all her snarling glory.

On any day that seems like a McCain presidency is a possibility--which have been most of them, I constantly have a tiny little nagging worry in my stomach. I don't think the world will end the day after McCain gets elected--although if Palin assumes presidency after an accident, I could see there being some pretty terrible results. A bit more real is the possibility that some really shitty supreme court justices could get instated by a 08-'12 Republican.

Mostly, I think I just feel sick from how terribly immoral the Republicans (and I guess the Democrats too, but damn) are, and how little 49% of the country seems to know or care. I have to wonder if, in between lying about their record, making claims that Obama wanted to teach Kindergarteners sex ed, and sweeping election crime under the table, they are conscious about how shitty they are. Is there some "ends justify the means" rationalization for things like lying to poor voters about voting day?

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